Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tournament Update: short version

Well, 20 hours and 3 days of poker later, yours truly is knocked out in 50th place in the main event after entering day 2 in a very healthy 10th place with 67600 chips. 4 hours of no cards later, 88 looked very very good in the BB while two jerks were overbattling from the button and small blind and ignoring me.

10 10, having overbet to 25000 to sheriff the button steal, found himself committed to my remaining 56k when, after analyzing these two most of the day and on this particular hand, I liked what I saw in front and in the hole.

If both these dudes are A high I am big favorite. I knew I was going to get called. There is a time in every tournament to gamble.

I sleep now. The time to fully debrief will come.

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